AI vs. Human Judgment: Decision-Making When Navigation Data Clashes with Theory-Based Reasoning

Modern navigation technology has transformed the way we drive, with AI-powered systems like Waze providing real-time route optimization based on dynamic traffic data. Traffic alerts from police and news departments further enhance this information by warning of unexpected road hazards. However, AI-driven recommendations are only as good as the data they have at the moment, […]

how to beat stealthflation

How to Beat Stealthflation

In “The scourge of ‘stealthflation’ – Companies have found sneaky ways to raise prices. Where will it end?” The Economist aired a litany of egregious ways in which companies try to foist higher prices on consumers. Some of the violations appear to result from insufficient competition in the marketplace. Some of the violations come from […]

Convoluted carpool lanes

The Convoluted California Carpool Lanes

Convoluted Carpool Lanes Carpool lanes started as a simple energy-conservation and pollution-reducing incentive: multiple people riding in a car get access to a special lane that typically moves faster than other lanes of traffic. Over time, transportation agencies and regional governments have piled on a range of goodies into these lanes. Electric vehicles and hybrids […]

ChatGPT travel

How ChatGPT Planned My Family Vacation

Planning a family trip can be daunting. Parents and guardians must balance a myriad of preferences across eating, sleeping, and entertainment preferences all while maintaining a budget. A wrong turn or a small mishap can cascade into major vacation disruptions and undermine the best plans and budgets. I recently faced these important analytics challenges while […]

Still Not Worth the Cost: A Follow-Up Case Study of Congestion Pricing in the SF Bay Area

Over three years ago, I wrote “Not Worth the Cost: A 17-Month Case Study of Congestion Pricing in the SF Bay Area” as an analysis of congestion pricing on the Express Lane for Highway 237 in Milpitas, CA. I concluded then that the opportunity for saving time was not worth the price of the toll […]

Using Machine Learning To Tease Out A Dynamic Pricing Algorithm

On November 29, 2013, I wrote a piece titled “Not Worth the Cost: A 17-Month Case Study of Congestion Pricing in the SF Bay Area.” In that piece, I presented data I manually collected on toll costs for the westbound Express Lane on Highway 237 (running from Milpitas to Sunnyvale, CA) versus the drive time […]

Not Worth the Cost: A 17-Month Case Study of Congestion Pricing in the SF Bay Area

On March 20, 2012, the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) implemented congestion (or dynamic) pricing on a critical San Francisco Bay Area thoroughfare called Highway 237 that primarily connects commuters from the East Bay to the South Bay. This change converted an existing car pool lane into an “Express Lane” which now allows solo drivers access […]