Thought Blog
Thoughts on making practical use of analytics
December 23, 2024
I interviewed former colleague Phylis Savari to discuss her breakthrough memoir, “Data for Joy”, about life as a data professional in Silicon Valley. I was so inspired by this book about “a data scientist’s quest for digital wellness and inner peace”, I sought out Phylis to ask her more questions about this book and her […]
December 12, 2024
I recently wrote a memorial in honor of Dr. Ron Howard who taught me how to live a no regrets life. So when psychology professor Catherine Sanderson, PhD recently posted an article titled “The Best Strategy for Avoiding Regret? Take a Chance: Why Regrets of Inaction Haunt Us the Most“, I clicked right away and […]
November 12, 2024
Apple Inc rolled out Apple Intelligence to great fanfare. The feature set is supposed to provide the latest compelling reason to upgrade iPhones. The marketing campaign for Apple Intelligence (AI) includes a series of commercials that celebrate mediocrity. In each advertisement, Apple Intelligence saves someone from embarrassment. The click of an AI button covers up […]