Ahan Analytics, LLC builds sustainable, data-driven approaches for improving organizational performance.

Five key elements drive success: evaluation, data collection, solution creation, analysis, and execution.

Ahan Analytics specializes in applying the power of data to drive clarity of action.

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Our Analytics Services

A passionate focus on small for-profit and non-profit organizations.


Drive results with data and knowledge. Unleash the power of the Insights Supply Chain.

Decision Clarity

Leverage well-established principles for decision analysis to confidently execute in any business situation.

Pricing Strategy

Align pricing to supply, demand, and organizational objectives. Create the right incentives for customers, employees, and suppliers.

Operations Planning

Build sustainable and optimized processes for an effective organization.


Identify the key data to improve performance. Plug the gaps that constrain insights.


Transform analytics and clarity into action. Establish a learning organization.

Your organization might be small, but it can do BIG things with data and analytics.

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Thought Blog

Thoughts on making practical use of analytics

How to Break Out of the Loop of Demoralization: A Guide for Data Leaders (Source: Aphrodite on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/57054262@N00/69022288)

How to Break Out of the Loop of Demoralization: A Guide for Data Leaders

Introduction: Understanding the Loop of Demoralization During a client engagement, I partnered with a Business Analyst to conduct data discovery across multiple departments. Our mission? To establish trust in the data and enable better decision-making. In the midst of our interviews, one particular manager from a data function stood out. He was frustrated, exhausted, and […]

Repair or Replace Redux - A Costly Tragicomedy of Information Errors

Repair or Replace Redux: A Costly Tragicomedy of Information Errors

I ended up paying over $1000 to repair my recumbent exercise bike. Several information errors contributed to a costly tragicomedy that locked me into an expensive decision cycle. Not only did I pay $384 more than necessary to fix my bike, but also I was left wondering whether I would have decided to stick with […]

From Shadows to Clarity - How to Use the Insights Supply Chain in Data Strategy (Source: romanlily at https://www.flickr.com/photos/44124376668@N01/10855028996)

From Shadows to Clarity: Transforming Data Strategy with the Insights Supply Chain

“We see people acting, but the constraints under which they are acting are largely invisible to us.”Professors Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton, “Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths & Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-Based Management” (2006) In my analytics work and leadership, I use the above quote as a reminder that data can only reach so […]